Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sanctified Through Christ

As humans, we all make mistakes at times. And it can be hard to change our lives. But Jesus Christ is our Savior. And through Him we can become sancitifed, or in other words, made holy and free from sin. The only way this is possible is if we excercise faith in Christ and believe in the power of His Atonement.
George S. Tate said:

"The Savior’s atonement places before us the possibility of peace—which in its fullest sense is ultimate wholeness and perfection. Such peace does not depend on external circumstance but grows as we become one with Christ. If we inherit eternal life, we will have “received his image in [our] countenances” (Alma 5:14), we will “be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (Moro. 7:48), and we will mirror back to him the joy and peace of his countenance: “The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” (Num. 6:26.) The peace of Christ is a summation of all beatitude. In my own experience, even a momentary, fleeting refraction of it has left me with an unspeakable sense of being filled, and at the same time with an inconsolable longing to regain his presence."
Through the Atonement, we can have a mighty change of heart and become true disciples of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that Christ was willing to suffer for me, so that I could be forgiven and return to live with my Father in Heaven.

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